Dix Hallpike to Diagnose BPPV Dizziness

Video shows how BPPV is diagnosed using the Dix-Hallpike maneuver. Furthermore the different types of BPPV causing different eye twitches (nystagmus) also shown (0:25). For more info: Watch how the inner ear balance system works here: 4 Different Types of BPPV (0:25) POSTERIOR canal BPPV treated by Epley maneuver here: POSTERIOR canal BPPV treated by Foster Half-Somersault here: LATERAL canal BPPV treated by Lempert maneuver here: SUPERIOR canal BPPV treated by Deep Head-Hanging here: Flowchart for BPPV diagnosis and treatment can be found here: Video on Meniere’s Disease: Video produced by Dr. Chris Chang: Still haven’t subscribed to Fauquier ENT on YouTube? ►► #bppv #vertigo #dizziness #homeremedy #epley #medicalanimation
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