Dr. Najibullah’s speech to representatives of Kabul (english sub) دکتور نجیب الله
بیانیه محترم دکتور نجیب الله رئیس جمهور افغانستان در محضر نمایندگان مردم ولسوالی ولایت کابل ــ قصر دلکشاه،۲ حوت ۱۳۶۷
The President of Afghanistan, Mr. Najibullah’s speech in the presence of representatives of different districts of Kabul Province -- Dilkusha Palace, 21st February 1989 (2nd Hoot 1367)
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Dr. Najibullah, addressing Afghan academicians داکتر نجیب الله
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Dr. Najibullah’s speech to representatives of Kabul (english sub) دکتور نجیب الله
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