1893- Koti Pranam Shata Koti Pranam Unplugged | Ladies Day Special Offering | Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans
The 19th of every month is celebrated as Ladies Day in many Sai Centres across India and overseas.
Honouring this day, the Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre offers a bhajan in woman’s voice in the Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans channel every month.
You will melt in love with our Beloved Guru Sai as you listen now to this month’s melody, Koti Pranam Shata Koti Pranam
Vocals: Ms Sumana Roy
Sarangi: Sri Sarfaraz Khan
Flute: Sri Pramod Umapathi
Sitar: Sri Kishore
Tabla: Sri Rupak Desai
Music Recorded Arranged, Mixed and Mastered in the studios of Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre, Prasanthi Nilayam.
Koti Pranam Shata Koti Pranam
Hey Deena Nath Sai Ram
Tum Ho Bhakton Ke Yug Avatar
Tum Ho Nanda Nanda Ke Lal
Parthipuri Ke Sai Gopal
Hey Deena Nath Sai Ram
O Lord Sai! Crores of salutations to You, the sole refuge and Saviour of the forlorn!
You are the Avatar of this Kali Yuga, the very same One who was born as a son to Nanda,
That Very Gopal, who has returned in this yuga, as the Lord of Puttaparthi, Sai Gopal!
#ladiesday #ladies #mahila #srisathyasai #saibaba #bhajans #music #spiritual #devotional #prasanthibhajangroup
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The Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre is the media arm of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust which spearheads the Sri Sathya Sai mission and is headquartered in Prasanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi, India.
This channel offers you content based on the life, message and mission of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the form of spiritual discussions, Baba’s Divine discourses, bhajans, devotional songs, music videos, insightful documentaries and so on.
10 months ago 00:05:20 3
1893- Koti Pranam Shata Koti Pranam Unplugged | Ladies Day Special Offering | Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans
2 years ago 00:24:13 1
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