Maltese GranPrix смотрим и читаем титры, пример того как не должен делать эксперт))
МАЛЬТЕЗЕ.Грубые нарушения в судействе на выставке ранга CACIB.
Rude mistakes in Jugment on dog show ranking CACIB Maltese class...
As an author of this film I can explain what happened: after two junior-male dogs passed the expertise the judge started calling somebody on the mobile phone when the third dog was already on the table. As the 3-d participant explained later, the problem began when somebody paid attention to the fact that the ring number clipped to her hand was written not on the official bla
9 years ago 00:12:19 156
Maltese GranPrix смотрим и читаем титры, пример того как не должен делать эксперт))