Siddheshwari is a 1989 Hindi documentary film directed by Mani Kaul. It is a cine-profile of Siddheshwari Devi, Siddheshwari Devi (8 August 1908-18 March 1977), one of the greatest Indian classical singers of the 20th century. The film is an enacted-documentary, made for Films Division, the Government of India’s official maker of documentary films.
The film was awarded the National Award for the Best Documentary for that year in India.
Directed by Mani Kaul
Produced by Films Division
Written by Mani Kaul
Starring Meeta Vashisht, Muhar Biswas, Ranjana
Srivastava, Shravani Mukherjee
Cinematography Piyush Shah
Edited by Lalitha Krishna
Release date 1989
Language Hindi