When I saw someone selling this amp, I went online to see some reviews and try and hear it on YouTube. I was surprised at how few videos there were of actual demos where you can clearly hear the speakers. Now that I’m trying it out for myself, I thought I’d mic it up for all to hear and hopefully it will influence whether or not you decide on one.
Here is a quick demo of the Ampeg BA-115 bass amp. I just purchased this second hand and decided to try it out in front of the camera. Bass recorded with a Shure
5 years ago 00:04:23 13
Ampeg BA-115 Demo
10 years ago 00:02:58 2
Ampeg BA-115 - Sound Clips
2 years ago 00:07:23 2
Ремонт Ampeg BA 115
5 years ago 00:02:13 22
Ampeg BA 115 Comparison Mic D112/421 Test #7
10 years ago 00:15:36 707
В Небо - Виступ до Дня Незалежності 2015 (Part 2) | Новояворівськ (Live)
12 years ago 00:02:41 11
8 years ago 00:06:01 1
Ampeg BA115V2 1x15 Bass Combo
10 years ago 00:18:33 684
В Небо - Виступ до Дня Незалежності 2015 (Part 1) | Новояворівськ (Live)