Octets by Debussy, Loeffler, and Schubert Directed by Graeme Steele Johnson

Until it was recently revived, the octet of Charles Loeffler is not known to have been played or recorded since the year it was composed, 1897. The manuscript is housed in the Music Division at the Library of Congress, and the work was given new life through the efforts of Graeme Steele Johnson, who assembled the score and a host of top-tier players to bring about a series of live performances and a new recording. Loeffler’s octet is paired with Schubert’s octet, and the unforgettable performance began with Johnson’s transcription of Debussy’s beloved “Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune.“ Musicians are Emi Ferguson (flute), Graeme Steele Johnson (clarinet), David Shifrin (clarinet), Rémy Taghavi (bassoon), Anni Hochhalter (horn), Bridget Kibbey (harp), Stella Chen (violin), Siwoo Kim (violin), Matthew Lipman (viola), Samuel DeCaprio (cello), Sam Suggs (contrabass). Program [01:12] Claude Debussy/Graeme Steele Johnson: Prélude à l’apr
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