Keith Hufnagel : REAL To Reel ’01

“The first time I met Huf was in LA on a short trip filming for REAL to Reel. His skating makes you feel cool, that’s the best way I can describe it. Big pop, fast skating. Filming for REAL to Reel was rad. The team was so small at the time and filming with Wolfe and Morf was a trip. Riding for REAL back then was awesome. Mickey was still TM at that time so trips were pretty crazy. I was also so young and timid at that time. I still look back and trip out on how lucky I am.“ - JT Aultz To celebrate the re-release of Keith Hufnagel’s classic Love graphic, we put together an archive of Keith’s REAL video parts along with some of our favorite photos and AD’s from over the years. Enjoy the ride.
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