LANTO, BELOVED LANTO Lord of the Second Ray
Lanto, dear Lanto
Friend of light and friend of old
Teachers of mortals In thy love enfold.
We all now adore thee
For thy patient love and care
We all bow before thee
To thy love now share.
Refrain :
Lanto, beloved Lanto
Never let us from thee part Heal us, raise us, and seal us
In thy loving heart.
Friend of the ages
To thee, gracious one, we call
Let Love’s great power Flow from thee to all.
In beloved China
Land of Mercy’s healing flame
Free her blessed people In God’s holy name.
Is the need of all mankind
Now purify them
Body, soul, and mind.
Purify, illumine
All upon this earth today
Let thy peace and vict’ry Ever with us stay.
Hail, Royal Teton
Where all learn life to revere
Bless our dear Lanto For his service here. Raising earth to heaven
To fulfill God’s perfect plan His one hope eternal
Brotherhood in man.
Music an
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6 months ago 00:07:32 42
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