Sen Josh Hawely, “If we have no free speech, we have nothing!“

In this video, we explore the vital importance of free speech and the role of social media platforms like Twitter in upholding this fundamental right. The speaker passionately argues that social media should be a space where all voices can be heard, without censorship or restriction. Emphasizing that free speech is the cornerstone of democracy, the video calls for allowing platforms to operate without stringent controls, ensuring that diverse opinions and ideas can flourish. The discussion highlights the belief that without free speech, our society loses its foundation and the ability to engage in open, meaningful dialogue. Quote by Josh Hawley on Free Speech: “It is possible to imagine a world where tech serves us, and not the other way around, where the Big Tech monopolies are monopolies no longer, where our property in our personal data is protected, where our children are safe online, where our speech is free And, of course, please subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already. Hit the
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