8 Signs You Have Relationship Anxiety

So many of us spend our lives searching for love, and yet, some part of us can’t help but fear it as well. Are you weighed down by a lot of worries, uncertainty, and distress over all the ways your relationship could all go wrong? This irrational and persistent fear is known as “relationship anxiety”, and it’s something a lot of us struggle with. Do you think you might have relationship anxiety? We’ve made this video for you to help you identify the signs! If you relate to this video and want to understand more about why you fear relationships, we’ve previously made a video on abandonment issues: #relationshipanxiety #love #psych2go Writer: Chloe Avanasa Script editor: Morgan Franz Script Manager: Kelly Soong VO: Amanda Silvera Animator: Naphia YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong References: Riggio, H. R. (2013). Peer relationships, social support, and relationship anxiety in young adulthood. Personal Relationships, 11(1), 99-
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