8 Signs You May Be Codependent

Hey, Psych2Goers. Today’s topic will be about codependency. What is codependency? Are you wondering if you’re in a codependent relationship or friendship with a narcissist? Codependency is defined as excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner (or friend!), one who typically needs a lot of support. Codependency can put a lot of strain on both the relationship and the individuals involved in it. So how can you tell if you are codependent? If you find yourself being the codependent individual, the first step is recognizing those signs. What solutions would you give to a friend who might be codependent? Comment below. Share this video with someone who might need it. Generalized Anxiety Digital Magazine: Credits Writer: Imogen Bowler Script Editor: Kelly Soong VO: Amanda Silvera Storyboarder: Winnie Chen Animator: Ben Carswell YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong Citations: Avoidant Attachme
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