Doug Enaa Greene: Devotion and Resistance: Bizhan Jazani and the Iranian Fedai (2014) [LEC, ENG]
Communist historian Doug Enaa Greene lectures on the Iranian Marxist theorist Bizhan Jazani (1938-1975) and the armed Communist group, Organization of Iranian People’s Fedai Guerrillas. The Fedai were formed in the late 1960s as a guerrilla movement to overthrow the US-backed Shah of Iran and bring about a socialist revolution. Although they have been overshadowed in history by Ayatollah Khomeini and the rise of the Islamic Republic , it was the Fedai who spearheaded resistance to the Shah.
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Doug Enaa Greene: Devotion and Resistance: Bizhan Jazani and the Iranian Fedai (2014) [LEC, ENG]