Two Weeks, Too Late

Two Weeks, Too Late is a free online video that documents Denial’s two week trip down to the Panhandle PowWow Contest in florida and back up to woodward camp in Pennsylvania. It shows the good times and amazing skating that can happen when 5 friends venture out for 2 weeks to have fun and visit their friends along the way. We hope you enjoy this video and help make more of these possible! Skating : Montre Livingston, JonJon Bolino, Max Ballestero, Steve ALF Iacono, Chris Smith, Sam Moore, Cody Porsche, David Sizemore, Jon Ortiz, Willie Trebach, Ross Anthony, Julian Bah, Matty Schrock, Mike Koliner, Tim Taylor, Adam McManus, Gumby, Adam Robert, Joe Ackler, Mike Bennett, Thumper Nagasako, Jimmy Hake and more..... Cities Visited: Baltimore/Towson University, Charlotte, Atlanta, Tallahassee and Woodward Camp East. Big thank’s go out to : Dennis in Tally, Julian Bah in ATL, Montre and Joe Dobson in Charlotte and ofcourse WogeHouse in Towson/ letting us crash and have good times. Artwork by Tom Mcfadden, Filmed/Edited by Alf
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