Russian Baseball Championship in St. Petersburg

In July 2009, the U.S. Consulate General in St. Petersburg took part in the 7th series of the Russian Baseball Championship in St. Petersburg. The Championship’s organizers - the Baseball Federation of Russia and St. Petersburg Baseball Federation () - invited the Consulate to help create an authentic baseball atmosphere. U.S. Consul General Ms. Sheila Gwaltney gave an inspiring speech in front of about 250 athletes, coaches, and fans, then threw out the ceremonial first pitch. At the same time, Consulate staff worked hard to cook, prepare, and distribute free hot dogs and soft drinks to the fans. The treats did not disappoint, and practically every fan enjoyed our national pastime with a dash of American flavor. Летом 2009 года в Санкт-Петербурге прошли игры Чемпионата России по бейсболу. Отличная погода, необычный спорт и... вкусные американские хот-доги, которые готовили наши сотрудники из Генерального консульства США в Санкт-Петербурге под руководством Консула по вопросам
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