[75hz/95FPS] Geometry Dash (Demon) - SubSonic by Viprin & more
This level has so many bugs on 75hz, so I used bypass and changed my fps to 95. Not 150, cause it’s bugs too, not 144, cause it’s screen tearing. I know this record won’t get in the list. Thank you, list moderators!
Anyway, GG. It took me about 9k attempts and 4 days of playing this level.
8 fails at Sumsar’s part
6 fails at Jeyzor’s part
Song: (Mashup) - SidorSonic by Blaz3man & Pachdokk
4 years ago 00:03:07 5
[75hz/95FPS] Geometry Dash (Demon) - SubSonic by Viprin & more