
2023年11月26日(日曜日)】京都  南禅寺も見頃を迎え大勢の観光客で賑わう中、参道から三門や国宝の方丈庭園、水路閣を歩きました。 November 26, 2023 (Sunday)] Kyoto While Nanzenji Temple was also crowded with tourists at the peak of its blooming season, we walked from the approach to the Sanmon Gate, the National Treasure Hojo Garden, and Suirokaku. 00:00 op 01:00 南禅寺参道 Nanzenji Temple approach 05:26 南禅寺境内 Nanzenji Temple grounds 06:48 三門周辺 Around Sanmon Gate 11:47 法堂周辺 Around the temple hall 16:56 方丈ò
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