YFX Decentralized Perpetual Trading Platform: V4 Tutorial πŸ“ˆ

Welcome to our deep dive into YFX V4, the groundbreaking update to the YFX decentralized perpetual exchange platform! Trade perps on YFX V4: #/en?chain=arbitrumOne&ref=decentralised Follow YFX on Twitter: Read the complete guide: Join YFX as an affiliate & earn up to 705 rebate: Stay up-to-date: πŸš€ Launched in June 2020, YFX has evolved through multiple iterations, culminating in the powerful V4 version, driven by community governance. In this video, we explore how YFX, founded on the principle β€œIn Math, We Trust; In Blockchain, We Trustless,β€œ is revolutionizing the DeFi space. What we’ll cover in this video: The Evolution of YFX: From its inception in 2020 to the latest V4 version, see how YFX h
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