Unissued / Unused material.
Former President Jan Masaryk’s funeral. Prague, Czechoslovakia.
CU Jan Masaryk lying in state. MS the coffin being borne out of the cathedral escorted by military personnel. MS a military guard of honour. MS troops at the salute next to a statue. Elevated LS of the cortege, showing the coffin on a gun carriage. MS members of holy orders and civic officials following the cortege. MS standing around grave with priest giving blessing. CU priest. MS mourners. MS coffin on ground with guard of honour at the graveside. LS graveside scene. CU mourners, Klement Gottwald
..., Premier is in the background. MS scene including priest preaching and coffin on the ground. CU an official speaking into microphone. MS side view of people in procession passing camera. MS military representatives in the procession. Various shots crowds watching the procession. LS procession. MS side view coffin and escort in procession. MS the Swiss flag at half mast on a building. MS an American flag at half mast.Show more