Unissued / Unused material.
French surrender Germany signed in the railway coach that was used for Armistice signing on November 11 1918. The date of this present signing was 22 June 1940. Rethondes near Compiegne Forest. France.
LS Armistice tablet covered by Swastika banner. LS’s German troops marching in for ceremony. CU German band playing. LS swastika being raised on flag mast. Various shots Adolf Hitler with his Generals passing along guard of honour. LS Hitler and party walking towards coach, they stop and look at statue of Marshal Foch. CU statue of Foch. LS Hitler and party walking toward tablet. CU the tablet decreeing the defeat of the Germans on November 11 1918. MS Hitler, Hermann Goering and Raeder. MS from interior of Hitler passing coach. LS’s Hitler and party entering coach. LS Hitler and party seating themselves at table.
CU folder containing Armistice terms. LS’s General Huntziger and party passing along the guard of honour. Exterior LS French party entering the coach. Interi