General Pershing’s Funeral (1948)

Unissued / Unused material. Funeral of General John Pershing held in Washington DC. United States of America (USA). MS low angle shot of the dome of the Capitol, Washington. High angle LS people filing past General Pershing, laying in state under the dome. LS the coffin being borne down steps of the Capitol. MS American military mourners. Elevated LS’s street scene as coffin and procession starts journey to Arlington cemetery. MS American Shooting Star jet aircraft flying overhead in V formation at last salute. High angle LS shot of horse drawn bier and coffin. General view as coffin is paraded through the streets. CU bier and coffin. MS General Dwight Eisenhower (Ike) and General Omar Bradley walking behind the coffin. MS scene of officers walking behind the bier. MS’s detachment of troops following bier. High angle shot bier enters cemetery. CU bier and coffin. MS chief mourners walking behind. High angle LS bier entering cemetery. CU bier and coffin. High angle LS at Arlington cemetery as
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