Dieppe D-Day Plus (1944)

Unissued / unused material. Allied forces invasion of occupied Europe - Dieppe, France, after D-day. Various shots British soldiers making repairs to railway tracks at harbour. M/S soldiers taking break and having some tea. More shots doing repair work. Various shot damage to port, includes shots of Red Cross ship. War damaged houses near sea front. L/S ships at sea. Various L/Ss of white cliffs from ship as it approaches land. L/S church on cliff top. C/U gendarme. Various shots army vehicles coming ashore from landing barge. Various shots crates being unloaded by French civilian men. High angled shots men in hold - captured German soldiers? M/S soldier from Scottish regiment guarding POWs. The prisoners play cards and smoke. A British soldiers through scraps of food into men in hold. They lift their hats to catch the scraps, they push and shove to get the scraps. Various shots of civilians unloading sacks of flours from ship. L/S wrecked cranes in docks. FILM ID:
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