Posthumous Honours (1917)

Posthumous Honours. Northampton, Northamptonshire World War One. Brigadier General Colomb presents medals to relatives of fallen heroes at a ceremony / outdoor reception type event; in Northampton. Sort of touching film here; of the General giving decorations to mourning family members of dead soldiers. Parents of soldier step up; the father tipping his hat; the general hands him a medal; dad salutes; and they turnaround and walk off. Next 2 women step forward; in coats and hats and muffs. General gives the medal to girl who looks as if she may cry any minute. CU of the young woman holding up the medal;pan to the father standing next to her; also holding up his son’s medal. Group of family members and military after the ceremony; meeting; talking; etc. Pan to right along long row of soldiers. Again; pan across yard full of family talking in small groups. Casualties. G 418 B. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, F
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