War Neuroses Version A Reel 1 (1917-1918)

Reel 1. Netley Hospital 1917 and Seale Hayne Military Hospital 1918. 01:00:01 Effect of treatment on shell shocked soldiers for various “hysterical“ problems. Private Preston crawls under his hospital bed in fear when the word “Bombs!“ is mentioned. Private Urand is filmed outside the hospital after “10 days re-education“ for his jaw spasm. Two Hysterical “Stump Orators“ are shown. Private King walks unsteadily towards the camera making an angry gesture. Private King and Private Sandall are seen walking and talking together. Private Sandall is then filmed two hours later: “As a result of treatment by suggestion he is now able to speak without moving his arms“. Two months later Sandall is filmed at work “on a farm“. We also see Private King at work - possibly Seale Hayne farm or hospital grounds. The improvement in Private Pudmore’s “Hysterical shuffling gait“ is filmed six weeks after his admission to the hospital. Improvements in Private Willis’ “Hysterical pseudo-spastic gait“ and Sergeant Pete
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