Annual Anglo-French Fishing Festival (1949)

Hastings, Essex. LS. Hastings sea front as seen from pier. Two fishing rods in foreground. MS. French and British contestants before Anglo-French fishing festival. CU. Head shot of a Frenchman. CU. Head shot of a French woman. MS. Fishermen on pier casting their lines. LS. Elevated, people fishing from pier. CU. Fisherman winding his line. MS. The Mayor and Mayoress of Dieppe walking along pier, with Mayor of Hastings. MS. Mayor of Dieppe shaking hands with a competitor. MS. Hastings fishermen looking on. LMS. Boat load of competitors pushing out to sea. MS. Fisherman climbing aboard the ’Skylark’. MS. The Skylard sliding into sea. MS. Flag flying at mast. MS. Fishing boat heading out to sea. MS. Two boats going along. SCU. Man at tiller of the Skylark. MS. Fishing boat in rough water. MS. Fishing boat with contestants fishing from it. MS. Fishermen in boat. MS. Pan from fishermen on pier to tiny fish being hauled up on his line. MS. Another competitor landing small catch. MS. Fishing boat coming back to
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