ダムラーメン - A ramen stall that has been in business by the dam lake for 20 years - たっちゃんラーメン 市原
Shop name : Tacchan Ramen
Soy-sauce Ramen : US$
Soy-sauce Char-siu men : US$
Miso Ramen : US$
Miso Char-siu men : US$
🍜Shop information🍜
I took a video of “Tacchan Ramen“, a ramen stall on the shores of Lake Takataki.
Lake Takataki is a famous place for smelt fishing.
He has been making ramen at this location for over 20 years.
The owner was closed for a while due to a stroke, but managed to return.
It is open only from the smelt fishing season to the consecutive holidays in May.
It is a stall for anglers to relax.🍜
※*This video was filmed with prior permission from the owner.
📍Google Map
千葉県市原市高滝 たっちゃんラーメン&rlz=1C1OLVV_jaJP1040JP1040&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8naitle_9AhX6mFYBHSiaCdYQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw
Address:Takataki, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture 290-0555
【business hours】
Closed on Mondays
Closed on Tuesdays
Closed on Wednesday
Closed on Thursday
Closed on Friday
Saturday 11:00-16:00
Sunday 11:00-16:00
📘Video table of contents📘
00:00 Digest
00:48 Main story
11:08 Dismantle the stall after closing
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1 view
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2 years ago 00:18:32 1
ダムラーメン - A ramen stall that has been in business by the dam lake for 20 years - たっちゃんラーメン 市原