Persona Spotlight - Frothing Fantasy Sera|Rise of Eros

[Basic Attack] The target takes damage; there’s a chance of attacking one more time. Special [Wavebreaker] The target takes damage; this Skill is guaranteed to hit and deal True Damage. Ultimate [Tidal Out] The target takes damage (this damage will increase with the target’s DEF). This Skill deals True Damage. The [Frothing Fantasy Sera] Summon Pool will open on 8/8. Get ready, Immortals! --- [Event Exclusive Code] Code: UYzSkqruCpN Code Contents: Dream Crystal x100 ※Codes can be redeemed by visiting the Settings page and navigating to General and then Redeem Code #RiseofEros #LegendOfTheWaves #FrothingFantasy #Sera
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