14 Fun Fitness Partner Games For Group Workouts

Fitness games have a beneficial effect on health and can significantly improve agility, motor skills, hand eye co-ordination, cardio endurance, as well as sensory motor learning amongst other things. This is critical for kids but important for everyone as adults are losing these properties as well which deteriorates health and ability. Beyond those reasons we use games because it gets people to have fun. Watch someone playing a parter animal move game and tell me if anyone isn’t smiling and laughing while working hard. It takes us back to kid like playing and connects play to fun. It also creates positive competition and challenging one another to be better which creates connection and community. This is how healthy individuals and communities are built. Take tag, why it’s universally so popular is that it taps into something primal and fundamental about what makes us human beings. For centuries children have been chasing each other around on playgrounds, and before that,
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