110KG | 1990 | European Weightlifting Championships (Aalborg, Denmark)
Battle between Yuri Zkharevich - Stefan Botev (250KG CLEAN AND JERK!) - Rizvan Geliskhanov...
Here is the third session of 1990 European Weightlifting Championships (Aalborg, Denmark). Sadly I only have 90, 100, 110 & 110kg’s session, because there were no tv-broadcast about the other categories. In this 110kg’s | heavyweight category we can see such an athletes like the soviet - olympic, world & european champion - Yuri Zakharevitch, the great Botev and the silver medalist at the year before Geliskhanov (in the 110kg, 1989). In the snatch Botev was the third with 195kg (2nd attempt, also he had the highest bodyweight), Yuri made 200kg (3rd attempt) and as a surprise Rizvan made 202,5kg as a second try after a huge 10kg step (1st att 192,5kg). In the clean and jerk: first attempts: 225kg for Rizvan, 227,5kg for Yuri, 230kg for Stefan. Second circle: Rizvan made 232,5kg; Zakha missed 237,kg, Botev waited... Third circle: Rizvan finished with 237,5kg; Yuri moved up 5kg - after a wrong attempt - to 242,5kg to win.. and he made it! BUT THEN... Stefan Botev had 2 attempt, the weight moved up 20KG compare his first attempt... big breath, big pull, ridiculous speed to go under the bar... tight lower back, really hard standing up... breathe, jump, jerk, hold it!, hold it!... and he holds for long long seconds, where the hell is the down signal? Botev was really upset, but... juries give 3 white light; he made it! Botev who was only third in the snatch nad has the highest bodyweight just nailed 250KG CLEAN AND JERK (full raw, without belt, or something). I consider myself as a Yuri’ fan but this was really awesome!
Watch it & enjoy!
1. Stefan BOTEV | Стефан Ботев (BUL - 110KG) 195 250 = 445KG
2. Yury Zakharevich | Юрий Захаревич (URS - 109,7KG) 200 242.5 = 442.5
3. Rizvan Geliskhanov | Ризван Гелисханов (URS - 106,75KG) 202.5 237.5 = 440
Heinz Tauschl (AUT - 107,4KG)
Franz Langthaler (AUT - 105,4KG)
Rickard Nilsson (SWE - 110KG)
Ozel Raif (TUR - 107,5KG)
Arto Savonen (FIN - 109,8KG)
Aduard Ohlinger (FRG - 107,5KG)
Kim Petersen (DEN - 104,85KG)
Juraj Dudas (TCH - 103,4KG)
Milos Ciernik (TCH - 103,1KG)
Frank Seipelt (FRG - 108,2KG)
Anders Lindsjo (SWE - 102,55KG)
Next videos: last session of European Weightlifting Championships 1990 (Aalborg, Denmark): 110kg (29min) after that...
Probably ALL sessions World Weightlifting Championships 1990 (Budapest, Hungary) average 35-40min/session.
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