Introduction to using a veil in belly dancing 💃

In this video I’m going over the types of veils, and the general basics about how to use a veil in belly dancing. The actual basic techniques starts at min 13:15. I want to add a small correction in regard to the history of veil use by Egyptian dancers. During the Golden Age era of belly dance, some Egyptian dancers did use a veil occasionally, in a soft and elegant way. Then, it didn’t appear in video recordings for a while, until maybe about a decade ago or so, when the modern dancers started to use a veil again in entrance numbers. Here is an example of Camelia of Cairo mejanse number from about 10 years ago: Level: beginner. Link to Sedonia’s veils creations: insta: aisha_dancer performance channel (A’isha Dancer): #dancingwithveil #beginnerveil #veil_in_belly_danc
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