Wá∙šiw: The Washoe People - California and Nevada - USA - “The People From Here“
This is a video for: “Wá∙šiw“, “The Washoe People“ and the “Washoe Tribe of California and Nevada“, in the USA. There are also videos in this channel for many more North, South & Central American Tribes & First Nations, Chiefs, Residential Schools, Elders, Historical Events, Indigenous Concerns, Quotes, Environmental Youth Activists.. and much more.
“The Washoe People“, (.: “Washo“,“Wašišiw“, “the people from here“, transliterated in older literature as “Wa She Shu“) are a Great Basin tribe of Indigenous Americans, living near Lake Tahoe, at the border, between California and Nevada. The name “Washoe“ or, “Washo“ (as preferred, by themselves), is derived from the autonym “Waashiw“ (wa·šiw or, wá:šiw) in the Washo language, or, from “Wašišiw“ (waší:šiw), the plural form of wašiw. The Washoe people have lived in the Great Basin and the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains for the last 6,000 years, some say, up to 9,000 years. Prior to contact with Europeans, the territory of the Washoe People centered around Lake Tahoe and was roughly bounded by the southern shore of Honey Lake, in the north, the West Walker River, Topaz Lake and Sonora Pass, in the south, the Sierra Nevada crest, in the west and the Pine Nut Mountains and Virginia Range in the east. Beside Lake Tahoe, the Washoe utilized the upper ranges of the Carson (dá:bal k’iláʔam), West Walker and Truckee (dabayóduweʔ) Rivers, to the east. Washoe Lake, (c’óʔyaʔ dáʔaw), was named after the Washoe People.
“During the California gold rush, followed by the subsequent silver rush in Nevada a few years later, thousands of miners and immigrants flooded Wá∙šiw lands in a relatively short time period and they stayed here, disrupting the balance; changing the Wá∙šiw world, forever, in only a few short years. The demand on the natural resources by the immigrant population, depleted much of it. The logging industry denuded the forests and scarred the Pine Nut Mountains, to support the mining industry and towns, that sprang up everywhere. The fisheries of Lake Tahoe, once bountiful, with the native cutthroat trout had been reduced to nothing and livestock replaced the native herbivores. The Tribal Historic Preservation Office of the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California is asking you to respect your history and culture and leave cultural resources alone, for our present and future generations.“
Washoe Tribe of California and Nevada
919 U.S. Hwy 395 N, Gardnerville,
Nevada, USA. 89410
Phone: 775-265-8600
I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video and music expressed in this employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are also given at the end of the videos, as well as below. ****No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me, nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of these videos.**** They are meant for all, to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform and share. No theft and/or disrespect is intended. I post all of these videos, with love and respect. **** I am also “not“ part and/or, a member of “any other social media sites: (i.e.: FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, etc.. etc.. etc..) and since I have seen my own videos from You-Tube posted on other sites, by people who are representing themselves with the name “Jaguar Bird“.. and the fact, that I am often under a siege of disrespectful hackers.. (and the sad fact, that some people enjoy “pretending“ to be others than themselves, on the Internet).. I wanted to warn anyone contacting a person who is going by the name “Jaguar Bird“, that “it is NOT me“.. and if this person(s) is claiming to be me, I ask that you please contact the Administration personnel of that site.. and make them aware, that a fraud is being committed. ****Thank you, Miigwetch! ..for helping to stop someone else from being deceived and/or, wronged.****
Many Thanks & Much Respect To: The Washoe People..; Washoe Tribe Of California And Nevada..; Elders Steven James, Melba Rakow, Katheen Simpson and Herman Fillmore..; ..; Washoe Environmental Protection Department..; Manataka American Indian Council..; ..; ..; YOUNG SPIRIT..; MARS LASAR..; BRYAN HUDSON JR..; BLACKSTONE..; KEITH ANDREN..; CARSON STEWART SINGERS..; JUDY TREJO..; CALIFORNIA INDIAN SONGS AND STORIES..; DAVID BLONSKI & KEN CRAIG..; ULALI..; RED HOOP DRUM SINGERS..; RENO-SPARKS SINGERS.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video with photos and/or, in any other way.
Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..!
*Set your you-tube video player to 1080p (HD), for best viewing.
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