
之前在赫爾松戰線,出現了很有意思的一幕,俄巴什基爾弓箭手上前線,這是要打無人機嗎?按照俄羅斯官方的說法,使用弓箭的是俄軍的偵察小隊,可以毫無聲息地穿過烏軍的防線,這話說的真漂亮,可惜有問題。俄弓箭手用的不是軍工弩,而是很原始的短弓,在上50米距離上,殺雞都難。 Before that, there was a very interesting scene in the Kherson Front. The Russian Bashkir archers went to the front. Is this to fight drones? According to the official statement of Russia, it is the Russian reconnaissance team that uses bows and arrows and can pass through the defense line of the Ukrainian army without any noise. This is a beautiful statement, but there is a problem. Russian archers do not use military crossbows, but rather primitive short bows. It is difficult to kill chickens at a distance of 50 meters. #火力就是正義#烏俄戰爭#冷兵器
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