Regardless of which special operations career path you aspire to join - whether it’s Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Army Rangers, or Air Force PJs, the process will be long and grueling. To be successful, candidates must be in peak physical shape across the full spectrum of fitness - a big base of strength for carrying heavy loads, muscle mass for injury prevention to enable that strength, muscular endurance to perform repeated bouts of exercise, and endurance to run and ruck for miles.
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Video Chapters:
0:00 - Introduction
0:34 - The WEAK candidate
1:44 - The STRONG c
2:15 - The benefits of strength
2:53 - Strength standards for SOF
4:40 - Foundational exercises
5:40 - Strength training program for SOF
5:47 - Day 1 (Lower)
6:13 - Day 2 (Upper)
6:41 - Day 3 (Lower)
7:13 - Day 4 (Upper)
7:51 - Conclusion
Rucking Playlist -
1:1 Coaching -
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Free Rucking Program -
Free Weightlifting Program -
Whether a candidate is training for BUD/S to become a Navy SEAL, or Air Force Special Warfare Candidate Course to become a Pararescueman (PJ), Combat Controller (CCT), Special Reconnaissance Operator (SR), Special Tactics Officer (STO), Combat Rescue Officer (CRO), or going to selection to become a Marine MARSOC Recon/Raider, or even preparing for the long walk to join CAG/DELTA, they will be surprised to learn these statistics.
Background Music Credit - Music by Conboy,Show more