Artist: Worm Shepherd
Track: Ritual Hymns
Album: Ritual Hymns
Release date: January 14th 2022
Label: Unique Leader Records
Genre: Blackened Deathcore
Through the rivers that carry my stability swims a parasite aiming to shift my focus
I stand unwoven.
The blood delivered
Lucidity lay before the throne of bones.
Ancestral voices circle the air
My spirit lies astray in the Raven’s nest while portals opened above my bed
Wrapped in feathers that brush the ashes of a toppled kingdom across the skin
Cast into prison where illusion shatters stability
I’m torn from Hel into ill
From throne to binding chains
Hide from mountains of whispers
I am the illustrator ov these realms
I am the overseer
I am reborn
Adorned through sword and nail
I still hear their cries carried in the wind
Sorrows crawl in and out of my eyes and through my fingertips.
Light the match
Light the match and seal my fate
Claim your stillborn, destined for bliss.
Seared and discolored skin stiffShow more