Every year on March 3rd, Japan celebrates the Doll Festival (Japanese, Hina Matsuri). Until recently, Girls’ Day was also celebrated on March 3rd. On this day every year, families set up a special step-altar on which to arrange their Emperor and Empress dolls, called “hina“ in Japanese. They decorate this altar with boughs of peach blossoms and make offerings to the hina dolls of freshly made rice cakes (mochi), either flavored with a wild herb or colored and cut into festiv
9 years ago 00:01:42 1
Happy 4 th Birthday =ↀωↀ= 4匹の猫の誕生日をお祝い
9 years ago 00:03:26 1
Cat wants to catch the Tabanid =ↀωↀ=猫パンチ! アブを捕まえたい猫
9 years ago 00:04:00 1
Lulu the cat open the door for Chicken tenderloin 鶏ササミのためにドアを開ける猫のルル
9 years ago 00:02:10 23
猫の雛人形=ↀωↀ= Cat Hina Doll Cosutume
9 years ago 00:02:12 4
Cats like to snuggle =ↀωↀ= 猫は寄り添うのが好きzzz
9 years ago 00:02:36 1
Cat Kojiro unzip a bag =ↀωↀ= 猫の小侍郎バッグのチャックをあける
9 years ago 00:02:14 1
Osamu the cat is rambunctious boy. =^._.^= 猫のおさむはやんちゃな男の子