【Genshin Impact MMD】Rivers In the Desert【HB to Wanderer】

His birthday is on January 3rd. But the video is only being released now. Belated happy birthday! I’ve put a lot of effort into creating this piece just for Scaramouche’s birthday. I hope you like it! Video Edit:Momoli Wanderer model: mihoyo/观海 Scaramouche Model: mihoyo/_NIGU_/蜜浍 浮疯-散兵:miHoYo/观海/芝一叶 流浪者-白羽奕设:miHoYo/观海/unluckycandyfox/橄榄docx/素鸢半暖凉筝画 二次改造:素鸢半暖凉筝画 画师设计:白羽奕 配布dl: Kabukimono:miHoYo/观海/橄榄docx/素鸢半暖凉筝画 二次改造:素鸢半暖凉筝画 配布dl: stage: BKステージ:伊達の犬 释梵罗刹:G_Wuuuuu 刀丛:ゆきち/目隠しP 龙府:糖斯 kotami stage046 雪景琼楼:糖斯/RedialC motion/camera: Atlus - Animation Seto - Motion Convert, Facials,and Camera work MME:Rui/ikeno/そぼろ/ビームマンP/ミーフォ茜/三金络合物/winglayer/化身バレッタ/角砂糖/966 BGM: Rivers In The Desert - Lyn
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