Pole Bicycles Exclusive Factory Tour

An American, an Englishman, and a German step off a plane in Finland... Pole Bicycles was founded a decade ago, and we are all about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of mountain biking. This summer, we took our commitment to the next level by introducing two additions to our lineup: The DH World Cup-proven Onni and a hard-hitting E-MTB called Sonni. These models joined the ranks of our Trail Platform legends, Voima and Vikkelä. But that’s not all – we offered our loyal customers a chance of a lifetime. Those who pre-ordered one of our bikes had the exclusive opportunity to win an all-expenses-paid trip to our factory in the heart of Finland. This adventure promised an unforgettable behind-the-scenes journey led by none other than the visionary founder and CEO of Pole Bicycles, Leo Kokkonen. - Our Website - - Pole Voima E-MTB - - Pole Vikkelä - - Pole Sonni E-MTB - - Pole Onni - ---------------- Instagram - @polebicycles Facebook - ----------------
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