Using AI as a Design Tool in My Architecture Practice

Unsure of how to incorporate AI tools into your design process? Follow along as I share my experiments using the text-to-image generative AI app, Midjourney, and see how I’m using it in my architecture practice. It all starts with a sketch and an idea. While Midjourney produces captivating images of seemingly perfect buildings, it’s important not to mistake them for finished work. Instead, we want to direct it like a sculptor shapes raw materials. The key to using Midjourney creatively lies in controlling the output through specific prompt language, rather than treating it as a mere rendering engine. Remember, AI is a mirror for your own creativity, so the quality of input determines the quality of output. As you experiment you’ll start noticing small flaws or peculiarities in the images where things aren’t quite right. These imperfections can be harnessed to uncover new solutions and truly leverage AI as a creative tool. Cultivating the ability to identify these deviatio
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