Q&A!問答 How We Fall in Love? 如何相愛? Kibo wants a girlfriend?[Gay Couple Lucas&Kibo]

Here is the guide: 00:00 Hello 01:27 Q1:什麼時候覺得對方是能够陪伴自己一生的人? When do you realize she/he is the one that you can spend the rest of your life with? 02:11 Q2:第一次正式的外出是去的哪裡? Where did you go on your first trip together? 03:28 Q3:對方做什麼最讓你心動? Name one thing he did that touched you the most! 05:10 Q4:在一起的過程? How did you start dating? 06:15 Q5:你們的前任都是男生嗎? Has either of you dated a girl before? 06:57 Q6:如果需要對父母或者朋友介紹對方的話會&
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