Steve Roach - Dreamtime Return

Steve Roach: Synthesizer [Analog And Digital], Sequencer [Sequencers], Sampler, Electronic Drums [Digital Drums], Drum [Tao Drum], Performer [Sticks]. - David Hudson: Didgeridoo. - Robert Rich: Drums [Gourd Drums], Goblet Drum [Dumbek]. - Kevin Braheny: Electronic Wind Instrument [Steiner EWI]. - Chuck Oken Jr: Rainstick. - 01 Towards The Dream 7:04 02 The Continent 4:47 03 Songline 3:08 04 Airtribe Meets The Dream Ghost 6:50 05 A Circular Ceremony 11:20 06 The Other Side 13:16 07 Magnificent Gallery 6:11 08 Truth In Passing 8:44 09 Australian Dawn (The Quiet Earth Cries Inside) 6:17
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