Arthada & Friends - Sri Aurobindo | Namo Narayan Album | Sri Chinmoy | Spiritual Music | Meditation

Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo Kandari tumi bhava taranir Ati manaser pratham dishari Juga Avatar alo sharanir Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo, You are the Pilot Supreme of the world-boat. You are the first beckoning Hand of the Supermind. O Avatar of the era, you have paved The Light-flooded road for us to travel. This song is a tribute by spiritual master Sri Chinmoy to Sri Aurobindo. About the Sri Aurobindo in Sri Chinmoy’s own words: „A Seer-Poet to the poets, a divine Philosopher to mankind, a Master Yogi to his worshippers, an Avatar to his disciples — who is he? Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga is an ambrosial consciousness with infinite possibilities; it is a never-tiring march, a decisive and everlasting victory of Truth. A marvel-idealism and a highly practical divinity are housed in Sri Aurobindo. His are the experiences that may serve as humanity’s royal road to a life worth living — a life of the Spirit, the Life Divine. Sri Aurobindo'
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