嶺に朝日照る赤富士〜日本の心旅 山梨県山中湖〜

The most beautiful moment. This is the most beautiful landscape of Japan. Mount Fuji is Japan’s mind. is a mountain that symbolizes Japan. Summer morning. Sunrise of the sun will illuminate the mountain. Mountain is red soul. Music : “Kimigayo“ is a Japanese national anthem. Editing software : LRTimelapse・Adobe Lr Pr 君が代(きみがよ)日本国の国歌 君が代は 千代に八千代に さざれ石の いわおとなりて こけのむすまで Japan’s national anthem.“Kimigayo“ Basil Hall Chamberlain translation A thousand years of happy life be thine! Live on, my Lord, till what are pebbles now, By age united, to great rocks shall grow, Whose venerable sides the moss doth line.
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