Let us introduce the next pretty contestant ✨Angelina Chabanian✨She is representing Armenia 🇦🇲 She is 18 years old. Angelina mov

Let us introduce the next pretty contestant ✨Angelina Chabanian✨She is representing Armenia 🇦🇲 She is 18 years old. Angelina moved to UK when she was 15. From childhood she has been trying a lot of sports and hobbies, but none of them had the same impact on me as ballroom dancing did. The art of dancing dramatically shaped her personality. Since childhood, she have attended an art school, and the classes were a real pleasure for me. Her paintings were exhibited in China and France, which is the fact she is really proud of it. The main Angelina’s goal: “I want to reach is to become an art dealer. The one of my cherished dreams is to help gifted people, especially poor and disadvantaged, to reveal their talents”. —————————————————— Позвольте представить ещё одну чудесную конкурсантку ✨Ангелину Чабанян✨ Она представляет Армению 🇦🇲 Ей 18 лет. Ангелина переехала в Великобританию, когда ей было 15 лет. С детства она много занималась спортом и бальными танцами. С детства она посещала художественную школу, и занят
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