WDC Professional Latin | Final presentation | Kremlin Cup 2015
- 2015 Kremlin World Cup
Organizer: Stanislav Popov
00:00 Maurizio Vescovo - Andra Vaidilaite
01:42 Dmytro Vlokh - Ekaterina Krysanova
03:01 Neil Jones - Ekaterina Sokolova-Jones
04:28 Roman Kovgan - Daria Paley
05:51 Stefano Moriondo - Daria Glukhova
07:05 Evgeny Smagin - Polina Kazachenko
Competition results
1. Maurizio Vescovo - Andra Vaidilaite, CAN
2. Evgeny Smagin - Polina Kazachenko, RUS
3. Neil Jones - Ekaterina Sokolova-Jones, ENG
4. Dmytro Vlokh - Ekaterina Krysanova, UKR
5. Roman Kovgan - Daria Paley, RUS
6. Stefano Moriondo - Daria Glukhova
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#DanceSport #ProfessionalLatin #KremlinCup
5 months ago 00:02:11 1
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