Suomalainen kansansävelmä, jouhikko & Hare Krishna-mantra | Karelian bowed lyre & Vedic mantra
Perinteinen suomalainen kansansävelmä jouhikolla soitettuna ja Hare Krishna-mantralla siivitettynä.
We had been cleaning the forest next to our home and burning away branches in a bonfire, and then next day as I was walking by, it was still smoking and looked so mystical, that I got myself a chair and jouhikko and made a little recording in this rather archaic view. In the background you can also hear gunshots thanks to our neighbors who were practicing for the upcoming moose-hunting-season. 😢
This is a traditional Finnish melody played with jouhikko (Karelian Bowed Lyre) and sung with a Vedic mantra for deliverance and joy: the Hare Krishna-mantra. 🎵
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
I’m really into Vedic culture and philosophy, and practice daily Krishna consciousness. I also love the old ways of all human cultures, wherein I find much more dignity and pu
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Suomalainen kansansävelmä, jouhikko & Hare Krishna-mantra | Karelian bowed lyre & Vedic mantra
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