Introducing RØDETest - A Scientific Audio Test and Measurement Microphone Division from RØDE

The Freedman Group – home to RØDE Microphones, APHEX, SoundField and Event Electronics – announced today the launch of brand new audio test and measurement division, RØDETest. An exciting new avenue for RØDE Microphones, RØDETest will become home to a range of professional acoustic measurement microphones, software and accessories in the near future. The first step of this foray is The Freedman Group’s acquisition of FuzzMeasure, the premier acoustic measurement software. For more than a decade, FuzzMeasure has determined the audio performance of studios, live venues, performance spaces, reverbs, microphones and more, converting detailed acoustic data to beautiful, useful, easily understood and publishable graphics. It is the premier application for technicians and creators who require accurate auditory measurements as part of their process – installers, musicians, audio engineers, artists and more.
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