TAHANAN (Adie) | Kalimba Cover with TABS

Turn on CC (captions/subtitles) to view the Kalimba Tabs. 🎶 Kalimba Tuning: Key of C Major NO RETUNING NEEDED! Also watch! Paraluman by Adie - Kalimba cover with tabs 🔗 ☕️ I’d be the happiest if you consider giving me a cup of KO-FI! ❤️ 🎧 Stream my music 🎧 Spotify: Apple Music: 👤 Add my Facebook account exclusive for my Youtube friends! 😍 Link: ➖➖➖➖➖ Thank you very much for watching my video. 😍Please join my Youtube family by subscribing and clicking the bell notification. 🔔↖️ I would highly appreciate it you like
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