Vocals by Nikita Zhulin
Composition by Marius Elfstedt and leo_watremez
Produced by leo_watremez
Artwork by Claudie Gimeno
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I behold the daytime light
Waiting for the stars are coming.
In the woods, between tree trunks
Living sounds of mourners laments.
Watching how the days goes by,
How the sun’s rays are replaced by darkness.
I embrace my inner child.
And here’s the night,
The sea of dark.
You can’t denied
How perfect world is becoming.
But from the other side -
My thoughts are fall apart.
On walls the silhouettes are dancing.
My life is goes awry.
Only the darkest night can help me.
По ночам, по углам, от посторонних глаз,
Собирай по кускам свой портрет в витраж.
Где то там далеко может есть окно,
Где вместо пластика снова вставят стекло, но все равно
Сколько времени бы ни прошло,
Однажды склеенный витраж, заполнивший окно,
Погрязнет в трещинах и сколах, обличая то
Что было клеем наспех заперто внутри него.
Rain (it feels like a)
Grain (skin covered with)
Stains (this is price to)
Pay (for the sins you’ve)
Made (there’s nothing left to)
Say (just close your eyes and)
Pray (pray until you)
Fade (here you’ll find your)
«When shadows seem like dust
And only the moon becomes light,
I sometimes contemplate this image,
The fragile memory of your face.
That the three fates may not sever.
Evenings are dark, even in summer,
Larks sing their lament,
Tinkling in vain nocturnal prayers,
Like echoes of my daytime sorrows.
Verses that sustain my troubles,
For a soul that forces itself to believe,
Words caressing the wounds.»
Desperate and hopeless brain
Still can’t struggle with the timeless pain
Tame your pain,
Lean to vein,
⁃ Am I sane?
Bloody stains
Voices call me
⁃ Am I sober?
I can’t fight with this eternal hate,
‘Cause I’m the reason why this feelings are still gorge my soul.
Yeah, there is no tomorrow,
There’s no future, you can find no signs,
Signs of something that reminds of troubles,
And dust of past was blown away from timeless rust.
And again
Just erase your daytime sorrows,
Forgot those verses that sustain your troubles.
Larks are silent, time for your remorse
Night is coming and only one thing will destroy repose
The prayer words…
Searching for misery, it will find you
Now you choose things between death and violence
Raise your hands to the sky, touch the darkness
Life will ends, better think about what’s remind of
This is the end
There’s nothing left for me to say
New sun will rise
And maybe we’ll meet again
I’m falling apart
I’m searching for place where I belong
My life goes awrrry