I used to not really like Ruko, but her/his new Multipitch VCV is... amazing!
UTAUs: 欲音ルコ♀歌連続音 (Yokune Ruko Renzoku/Kire/Multipitch VCV) (Call it what you want to, lol), feat. 波音リツ・キレ音源 (Namine Ritsu Kire), 重音テト叫び音源 (Kasane Teto Sakebi), and 日本鬼子 (Hinomoto Oniko)
Motion: sm18023363 and LakiraVocaloid for camera
Model: TDA Yokune Ruko by Palcario
Stage: Clover Club by Haruhi-chan4ever
Effects: ActiveParticleLight, SSAO lite, SeriousShader, BurstAppeal
Original by 40㍍P (40mP) with Vocaloid Ha