Щит ментальности: защита подсознания от мыслепаразитов и энергетических злоумышленников

• This is a Magickal Operation that forms an Energetic Shield in the environment from which it operates. And that Energetic Shield protects subconscious mind against any kind of thought parasites and etheric intruders. • Magickal Operation of Mentality Shield consists from two magickal components and it forms and operates under the supply of them: • 1: Visual Elixir • 2: Digital Potion • Visual Elixir is the visual part which forms an Energetic Sphere that surrounds everyone in the environment with its powerful energies to ensure the environment is secure against those energetic parasites disguised in thought forms and keeps them away. • Digital Potion is the musickal part, discharges powerful frequencies which forms a Dynamic Vortex that attacks and banishes energetic parasites and intruders disguised as thought forms by scattering, distorting and dissolving them to ensure the environment has inconvenient energetic conditions for them. • Dynamic vortex and Energetic Sp
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